The picture above is of The Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Routine for Today: Part 3

Part 3

Make sure you read parts 1 and 2 of these posts.....just scroll down!

Hey I'm back. LOL

Ok it's the afternoon now. Are you wondering how my day is going? Oh no brace yourselves, because I feel like I haven't been very productive. But then again maybe everything I have done has been worthwhile.

At 10:30 I sat down with Shiloh and taught him his school work. He still needs me to sit with him. We learned for about an hour. During this time, I also helped some other children who had questions with work, cut some apples for snack, spanked a few bottoms (the yelling at home needs to stope....ahhhhhhh!!!), listened the Algebra DVD with my son (so if he had questions, I can help him answer), gave a spelling test. Yep, all this went on while supposedly teaching JUST Shiloh. LOL I gotta laugh!!

At around 11:30 or so I went on the computer to check some email and then got caught in you would never guess where? FACEBOOK! I haven't been on there for days! A friend in need posted a message and needed to read so that is why I came on. Then I saw a comment from another friend who I haven't heard from since her moving away, so I had to go on her page and check out some of her updates. UGH!! Do you see where I can get distracted with my home management!

At around 11:45, when I finally realized I was caught up in a Facebook trance and had to get back to my routine. I then became conscious of the fact that I needed to run to the store and get milk. We were out and needed bread for the sandwiches. Good thing my grocery store is not too far. But I still felt that was way to long and would take so much time to drive there, park, walk in, grab a buggy, etc... So, I went to the gas station down the road and spent two extra bucks for the milk and bread...... I know....... I refused to drive a long distance to save time. Oh well!

During my 5 minute drive to the gas station, I called my friend Nancy to make sure she is doing ok. Nancy is my friend who is having a difficult pregnancy. Click on her name to see her blog. Anyway, I need to call her to check in. Can you believe we ended up talking for about an hour. Whoa!! I know! So I had driven to the gas station, grabbed my milk and bread, jumped in the van and drove home while still talking on the phone....blah, blah, blah! On and on! I didn't even walk into the house while I talked. The kids by then were preparing their own lunches.....The older kids that is.

I came in at around 1:00 pm and made PBJ sandwiches for the little guys. I made one for myself, sat down and opened my bible. Read some scriptures and then I had questions to the Lord. Ask Him in my mind and vocally when I went to the bathroom. I went online and looked up the same scriptures and read some commentary. Again, I was off routine doing a bible study again. You would think I would have saved it till the next day during my morning bible. Nope! I am spontaneous like this.

By 2:00 pm I cleaned up Ephraim and laid him down for his nap. I then put in another load of laundry, and I still have not folded any article of clothing. Yikes! The baskets are multiplying! I am in a blank right now with what I have done. I know there was more I did but can't remember.

At around 3:00 to 4:00 finished teaching math and read with Shiloh. Then sat with Galen and did a few books.

Now it is about 4:15 pm and I am sitting here typing this post. I know this has taken lots of my time but I wanted to give you a taste of what my days are like. If I wasn't posting I would be doing something else like maybe more schooling or folding laundry. I don't know what I would be doing. Maybe this is helping me to see that I need to set more goals or write down a to do list. I think this is what I will do then. :) Write the to do list!

Have you found that a to do check list works best for you? And do you make one everyday, like writing a fresh list of task for each day?

I have planned to reheat leftover today. I had made a large roast of meat in the crock pot last night where I used the meat for burritos. It was yummy and thank God we have left overs. Saves me from cooking. The kids and Donnie have youth group tonight (Donnie teaches the middle school kids at church) so I know this will put them out of the house by 6:00 or so. I best get moving. Lots of laundry to fold and clean up a bit.

The kids are outside playing with friends and Ana is crawling all over the place. Tomorrow, our first day of Hanukkah begins and if you are interested reading up on this check my other blog Joyful Mother these next few days for updates. We usually celebrate 8 days before Christmas with our last day being Christmas Eve!

Ta DA alllll!

BTW....if there are any typos....sorry, I didn't proofread! Not much time for that!

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